[2018/01/31],[广东] – [平面设计师-黄景风]榮獲全球知名的設計競賽-2018年iF設計獎,獲獎產品[Washuli Font Design]獲得[Typography / Signage]項目[Communication]類別的肯定。德國歷史最悠久的獨立設計機構,位於漢諾威的iF國際論壇設計,每年都會舉辦iF設計獎。
[Washuli Font Design] 經國際獨立專家組成的iF評委會評選過後,因其[ "Walishu" unites two great innovative traditions of Chinese culture: architecture and printing.],獲得63位評選委員的青睞。iF設計獎評選過程競爭激烈:來自全球54國的參賽者提交6,400多件參賽作品,期盼獲得優良設計品質獎章。
更多本公司產品[Washuli]的獲獎資訊,請見iF世界設計指南「卓越設計」主題世界 [https://ifworlddesignguide.com/entry/221652-washuli?utm_source=95770&utm_medium=Entrylink&utm_campaign=Benefits]。
International Association of Designers (IAD)国际设计师协会
黄景风加入International Association of Designers (IAD)国际设计师协会
About IAD
The International Association of Designers (IAD) is an organization that protects and promotes the interests of its members through networking, dialogue and partnerships. The motto of IAD is "design to advance and benefit mankind".
Eligibility / Scope
IAD accepts all "designers, artists, architects, craftsman and creatives". Only private entities (people) are accepted as members; businesses and institutions are not accepted.
The IAD provides the following benefits to its members:
1.Endorsement, publicity, mention or patronage of design related events organized by members.
2.Opportunity to take part in conferences, meetings and networking events organized by the IAD.
3.Recognition and promotion of members through IAD communications including website, newsletter, IAD member index and reports.
4.Ability to participate in an independent international design forum provided by the IAD.
Organizational structure of the IAD is divided into two branches: Executive Branch and Member Branch.
Executive Branch, also called the Board of IAD is an elected branch that is responsible for accomplishing the mission of the IAD with the help of the Member Branch. Applications are open for both Executive and Member Branch of the IAD. Please visit the International Association of Designers (IAD) website to learn more about membership types.
中国设计师沙龙(以下简称CDS)是中国首个立足民间一线设计群体、团结民间一线设计力量、关注一线设计师冷暖的全国性设计行业交流平台。 - CDS自2011年创立以来,矢志联合中国设计力量;以交流、分享、合作、发展为原则;以开放、包容、和谐、共赢为理念;以行业责任和社会责任为基础,提升设计行业驱动力及影响力,促进设计文化与大众审美的平衡发展;致力于"大设计"领域内的学术交流与活动,搭建以专业为主导、产业链配套为辅助的共享资源平台。 - 多年来,CDS长期坚持高度频繁的沙龙活动,建立全国范围内的行业生态关系圈。尤其是与各地方行业力量的交流上作出了大量的尝试,以北京为主扩展至全国二十多个省市区域,并已经成功举办了数百场交流活动。CDS的平台作用,使跨地域行业交流实现了可能,为活跃我国行业学术气氛、拓展一线从业人员的视野起到了推动作用。 - 与此同时,CDS的国际交流活动也在逐步展开过程中,为东西方视觉艺术及商业设计领域的学术交流与沟通架设了桥梁。
组员:韦东义、张嘉隆、韦 柳、刘虹宏、梁晓耸、韦 婷
贾粤生、粟启宁、龙雨凤、唐 发
梁丽莎、郭泰铭、方书凯、何 源
Asia-Pacific Design No.13
Design plays an increasingly important role on daily life which arouses extensive attention. Firmly believing in the power of original design and keeping an eye on the trend of the industry, Asia Pacific Design has been devoted to spreading the advanced design concept and presenting the historic development of design at Asia Pacific region for years. In 2017, APD NO.13 will continuously collect more excellent design work, together with the efforts of famous designers all over the world. Taking "The Future of Design" as its theme, the yearbook praise latest creations and design fruit that affects the industry development at Asia Pacific region under the cultural backgrounds of rich diversity. As the reflection of design in the future, over 480 pieces of excellent practical works are carefully selected including 9 categories, separately, Identity Design, Environmental Graphics, Type Design, Print Design , Poster Design, Package Design, Graphics Design & Extended Products, Multimedia and Logo Design. Those works cover all aspects of people's lives to stimulate original spirit and creative inspiration for designers and strengthen future exchange and cooperation within the region.
Basic Information
Hard cover, 248*290mm, English, Chinese
Asian Typography
Full color throughout, Hard cover, English
Asian Typography is a spectacular "best of "compilation featuring the highest- profile Chinese fonts and providing an invaluable resource guide for those wishing to understand the key elements of Asian typography.Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese,Japanese,Korean and some other Asian languages.As Chinese characters have been used for thousands of years,this book invites readers to explore the excellent Chinese fonts.The book pairs text and images to create a visualisation of the development and unique characteristics of single logograms or words. Asian Typography is categorised by chapters of branding,poster,print,logo,experimental typography and typography research.More than 100 winning works will be gathered form Japan,Korea,China,Taiwan,Hong Kong and further on.
210*285 mm
240 页,精装,英文
本书收录了来自日本、韩国、中国等不同国家和地区的100 多个优秀作品。围绕"传统汉字图形的设计"和"汉字的创意研究"这两个核心要素,我们将收录的作品按照其实际的运用进行了详细的分类——分别归为品牌、海报、书籍及画册、标志、实验字体这五大类别,为读者呈现了在不同地域文化滋养下的设计师是如何以汉字为核心进行创作,从而衍生出优秀的视觉作品的。我们相信,本书收录的丰富案例定能让读者从不同方面了解到汉字在设计中的灵活运用,也将为那些对汉字字体设计感兴趣的读者带来灵感。
研討會主題:『化初-洄溯古今的設計華風 』
活動地點:崑山科技大學創意媒體學院2館 二樓階梯教室C2202
主辦單位:崑山科技大學國際暨兩岸交流處 /視覺傳達設計系(所)
展覽主題:『化初-洄溯古今的設計華風 』設計師100人展
黄景风 gets the notable Bronze A' Design Award
Como, Italy, April 14, 2017 /DESIGNPRWIRE/
A' Design Award is pleased to announce that the project Roof Tile Font (Washuli) by 黄景风 has been honored with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award at Graphics and Visual Communication Design Award Category. Graphics and Visual Communication Design Category Bronze A' Design Award Victor A' Design Award and Competition is happy to share that the design Roof Tile Font (Washuli) by 黄景风 has been honored with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award at Graphics and Visual Communication Design Competition picked as one of the winners by the transnational referees of the A' Design Awards & Competitions amidst numerous participants.
The Bronze A' Design Award
The Bronze A' Design Award is a prestigious award given to top 10% percentile designs that has attained an exemplary level of quality in design. Entries to the A' Graphic Design Awards are peer reviewed and anonymously judged by a grand jury panel of leading academics, important press members and experienced professionals. Nominated graphic designs are voted on pre-determined evaluation criteria to highlight only the top graphic design works. In addition to reaching top international media, A' Graphic Design Award winners are listed at World Design Rankings (worlddesignrankings.com), are highlighted at Design Classification (designclassifications.com) platform and are showcased at DesignMag.org which lists the best designs from all countries in all disciplines.
More info could be found at https://competition.adesignaward.com/design.php?ID=55553
亲爱的 黄景风
恭喜!您已成为ONE SHOW官方会员,正式加入ONE SHOW个人会员计划并将享受所有官方授予的会员福利,从此打开视野开启一段难忘的经历!会员编号:OS20170511000XX,请妥善留存此封邮件用于参加此后ONE SHOW官方举办的会,申请加入ONE SHOW会员专属群,随时关注官方会员动态。 了解更多相关信息,请登陆One Show中文官网:http//: www.oneshow.cn 更多资讯,请关注One Show官方微博账号:OneShow中国
1920年,两个相对独立的广告组织在美国纽约成立:纽约艺术指导俱乐部与文案俱乐部。每个组织都各自主办了有所偏重的广告奖项。到1974年,两个俱乐部把各自的广告奖结合,联合设立One Show奖。One Show名称的意义,源于柯南道尔领导的创意革命中提出的艺术指导与文案一体化的概念。三年后One Club正式成立,独立主办One Show大奖。所以追根溯源,One Show广告奖发展到现在已经有80年的历史。
在One Show奖项设立前,广告奖项一般都把重点放在视觉与文案上,但One Club向广告界宣称,将把创意作为一个作品是否有机会蠃取One Show "金铅笔"的主要标准。这种新颖的主张使One Show迅速从纽约最佳广告奖一跃成为全美乃到全球最佳广告奖项。
The 2nd"Cool Words "Words Art and Design Exhibition
Invitation card
In April, 2016, the first"Cool Words" Words Art and Design exhibition was held in Nanjing Art College, and achieved great success, forming a good influence and becoming a landscape in writing art design activities. Specially, thanks to graphic designers at home and abroad, the design of teachers and students to actively participate in the work of high-level rendering.
The 2nd "Cool Words"Word Art and Design Exhibition will be held on April 25, 2017 at Nanjing Art Institute. Now the relevant exhibition information and works requirements are published as follows:
一、 The design theme 1、Free theme Designers can choose their own themes, reflecting diverse design horizons, extensive cultural themes, resources, content, cultural and creative design, intangible cultural heritage and so on. 2、Meetings of 400 years: Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare 2016 is the Chinese dramatist Tang Xianzu and the 400th anniversary of the death of British dramatist Shakespeare, their works are the two peaks of Chinese and Western dramatic arts, reflecting the different cultural differences and creative techniques. This historical coincidence for the text art design provides a meaningful opportunity. 3、"The Belt and Road"multi-text rendering "The Belt and Road" the Chinese government in recent years put forward the economic development strategy initiatives, has been along the country's positive response, is to obtain increasingly significant results. "The Belt and Road"along with a variety of cultural resources and rich language, including Chinese, Arabic, Mongolian, Hebrew, Russian, Thai, Divehi, Sinhalese, English, Greek, etc. For the text art design activities and the design of the designer to provide new ideas and sources.
二、The design form Poster design, book design, layout design, logo design, complete sets of font design, word design, Chinese and foreign text combination design, digital media art, movable type, glyphs, engraving lettering, integrated materials art.
三、The technical format 1、design works Electronic files: size 70x100 cm, jpg format, resolution of not less than 300dpi. 2 、design information related to: author name, author of the unit resume, work name, work form, design description, the author mailbox, contact phone, communication address. 3 、"the cool word " Web site: www.caofang.cn
四、The collection requirements 1、send the mailbox: coolwords163@163.com 2、physical mail: 75 Nanjing West Road, Nanjing, China Art Institute of Design, Cao Jingde Bu Zhenhua 3、April 18 , 2017 (physical work mail to the local postmark date) Thank you for your participation!
Hiiibrand Awards 2015,暨第六届Hiiibrand国际品牌标志设计大赛,由ico-D(国际设计理事会)认可,面向世界范围的企业、设计机构、设计公司、设计师,以及设计专业的学生征集品牌形象、标志和包装的设计作品,旨在借助Hiiibrand(嗨!品牌)网站这一平台,发掘国内外优秀的设计力量、褒奖优秀的设计作品,努力推动品牌设计事业的发展。
担任本届大赛的国际评委分别是:薛·博兰(Paula Scher )、博·林纳曼(Bo Linnemann)、刘小康(Freeman Lau)和韩家英(Jiaying Han)。
Package (Professional Level)
Lesser Fullness Design(中国) 《2014清风面纸卡通系列包装——猫的日常生活》
Spoon Design / Spyros Doukas (希腊) 《Life Easy》
合子品牌设计有限公司(中国香港) 《林奇苑茶行——乙未羊年生肖茶餅》
sandorlaszlodesign / Sándor László(匈牙利) 《Redesign of the product packaging for Bonus Ltd.》
黄景风(中国) 《U-WIN果汁品牌包装设计》
Sophia Georgopoulou (希腊) 《Zombie Snacks》
朱亚民 (中国) 《肆拾玖坊》
柯鹏敏(中国) 《张和黄的请柬》